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UCW-100 and UVK-200
UCW-100 USB to CW & PTT Interface
UVK-200 USB to VK-64 Interface
This is a legacy product and is no longer available. It is still supported.
If you are like most hams, your PC does not have enough serial or printer ports to interface with all your gear. Your new laptop may not have any COM or LPT ports at all! The solution is to go USB!
Plug the UCW-100's USB connector into a USB port of your PC and the 1/4" stereo phone plug into the CW jack of your transceiver and free up that serial port for something else. You can optionally control the rig's PTT through the RCA type connector.
The UCW-100 looks like a COM port to your PC and logging or radio control programs. It runs in two modes. The default mode supports the Amateur Radio standard for generating CW and PTT with the DTR and RTS signals. If your logging or radio control program can generate CW through a serial port, it probably already works with the UCW-100.
In the other mode, the UCW-100 utilizes an internal CW keyer. Text is sent to the virtual COM port just like it is sent to a modem or terminal, except that the UCW-100 converts it to Morse. This makes adding CW support to new programs easy, eliminating tricky Windows™ timing issues.
The UCW-100 PTT output can also be used with your sound card interface for transmit control with your favorite digital mode like PSK31, RTTY, etc.
The UVK-200 is a USB interface to the Unified Microsystem's VK-64 combination voice and CW keyer. It has a USB connector on one end and a DB-25 connector to mate to the VK-64 on the other. On CW the UVK-200 operates the same as the UCW-100, but also supports playing voice messages.
The UCW-100/UVK-200 interfaces are compatible with WIN98 SE, 2000, ME, and XP. Contact Unified Microsystems for information on using these interfaces with Linux or Mac operating systems.
A manual and CD containing drivers and a stand-alone control program is included.
Note: Although these interfaces appear as virtual COM ports to your PC, serial RS-232 data is not available for external devices.
UCW-100/UVK-200 Specifications
- Size: 4' length
- Weight: 12 oz
- Power: 5 VDC, <100 ma, supplied by the USB port
- CW Output keying: Solid state, for positive keyed rigs only
- Software compatibility: See Supported Programs
UCW-100/UVK-200 User Manual (PDF)
UCW-100/UVK-200 Programmer's Manual (PDF)
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